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Epiphany Spa Oakville

Collagen Induction Therapy

The World's GOLD Standard in Microneedling

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eDermastamp Collagen Induction

Promote skin repair and reduce the appearance of aging, wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks with the advanced eDermastamp® Collagen Induction Therapy. Achieve smoother, firmer skin with this innovative, non-invasive treatment.

  • Reduces Wrinkles

  • Tightens and Thickens the Skin

  • Pore Size Reduction

  • HyperPigmentation

  • ​Sagging skin

  • Fills and Smooths Scars

  • Acne Scars

  • Burn Scars

  • Stretch Marks

  • Chicken Pox Scars

  • Isolated Scarring

  • C section scarring

Dermaroller Gold Standard Micro-needling
Dermaroller Face

eDermaStamp® Collagen Induction Therapy: Advanced Skin Rejuvenation


Experience the power of micro-needling with the eDermaStamp® by Dermaroller®, a precision treatment that stimulates collagen production by creating micro-injuries in the epidermis and dermis. This process triggers your skin’s natural healing, reducing wrinkles, tightening skin, and smoothing scars.

Ideal for skin rejuvenation, the eDermaStamp® helps regenerate healthy tissue, restoring a youthful appearance. Achieve smooth, glowing skin with advanced collagen induction therapy today!


Consultation and treatment included.


Price per Treatment | $309


Micro-needling Treatment
Micro-needling Healing Cascade.gif
Micro-needling  Renewed Skin

1. Treatment


Dermaroller®’s surgical-grade micro-needles reach beyond the epidermis into the dermis, causing pin-point bleeding and triggering the body’s spontaneous healing response.

2. Healing Cascade


Within minutes, the perforation channels close and the healing cascade starts, invading the area with collagen-producing fibroblasts and growth-promoting properties.

3. Younger Looking Skin


New organized collagen & elastin forms, bolstering from within, while the epidermis becomes thicker and more supple, each time a treatment is performed.

Collagen Biopsy




The image shows a biopsy of the epidermis before and after micro-needling therapy. Significant new collagen (died purple) has been generated, 6 weeks after a single treatment. Clinically proven results by naturally promoting skin rejuvenation and repair — since 1999.

Epiphany Spa Oakville
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